ShearForce10 Installed down a channel
Heavy rains eroded the ground around SF10
Vegetation grows thick through SF10, reinforcing the erosion protection
The intense water flow blew out the checkdam
Severely eroded drainage swales are unsightly, hazardous, and add sediment to stormwater discharge.
ShearForce10 installed in residential channel
Swale covered with ShearForce10 with vegetative growth
Streambank protected by ShearForce10 during flood
ShearForce10 survives several hurricane induced flows through drainage channel on energy production site
ShearForce10 installed along a streambank and is now vegetated
ShearForce10 encouraging vegetative growth
ShearForce10 installation in solar farm drainage channel
ShearForce10 channel test section in late November.
ShearForce10 reinforced vegetation in high flow channel early the following May.
Severe erosion can be a big problem for developments, potentially undermining infrastructure and exposing waterlines
ShearForce10 on steep gradient channel
InstaTurf installed in a Bio-retention swale
InstaTurf prevented scour and enabled the establishment of vegetation in bio-retention area fed by a large concrete pipe
Pond install of ShearForce10 in Chesterfield, MO
Beginning Vegetation ShearForce10 in Chesterfield, MO
Vegetative Growth of ShearForce10 in Chesterfield, MO
Golf course pond with erosion before ShearForce10 was installed
Golf course pond install in Champaign, IL
Lake shoreline installation of ShearForce10
ShearForce10 install along streambank
Streambank with ShearForce10 with vegetation
Streambank with ShearForce10 with dense vegetation
SF10 after installation along streambank
SF10 installed along streambank after rains
SF10 solar farm install to reinforce infrastructure
SF10 used around solar arrays to keep uprights sturdy
SF10 installed along uprights in solar farm
SF10 installed under dripline of solar arrays
SF10 under solar arrays
Oil refinery containment berm armored with ShearForce10
Lake shoreline installation of ShearForce10
Drain area without a silt fence with SF10 installed
Swale covered with ShearForce10 with vegetative growth
Roadside area fixed with ShearForce10
Closeup of ShearForce10 with vegetation beginning to grow through
ShearForce10 with vegetation locking it to the ground
Dense vegetation through ShearForce10
ShearForce10 rolls being installed
ShearForce12 installed along hotel parking lot
ShearForce12 installed by culvert
Culvert install of ShearForce12
Full vegetative growth through ShearForce12
ShearForce12 used in curb cut
ShearForce12 used at base of residential downspout
SF12 and SF10 used together in bio-retention pond